Robinhood reminds everyone that their app can make us all investors, by showing people who check their stock while they are tending the baby, dancing at a bar or hanging out at a diner. It remains to be seen if this happy little Superbowl ad will be able to convince the public to return, after their recent controversy when they decided to restricted several stocks, among them Gamestop. Robinhood are currently facing several lawsuits over this.
Ad agency: MediaMonks
Robinhood shut down investing and then they run an ad saying "we are all investors"? Not when you stop us from buying what we want! Use instead!
- reply actually promoted tweets on Twitter commenting on this too.
Here is the promoted tweet:
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PermalinkRobinhood's piece-of-shittery hijinks isn't just shutting down what stock I can buy and how much of it when Gamestop climbed, they are also preventing me from withdrawing my money as I attempt to leave. And they run THIS AD on the Superbowl? Insult upon insult.
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PermalinkRobinhood. You can't invest unless we approve.
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Permalink"We are all investors." Unless we don't like the stock, then we lock you out. Screw that. 🚀🚀🚀
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