NFL - Born to play / Accra, Ghana (2024) (USA)

I'm quite excited about this ad because it was shot in Accra, Ghana. A little kid dreams under the blankets in his room about the Super Bowl, watching games on his tablet.
When he's walking to school he gets lost in a daydream where he plays American Football through the market. This scenario is pretty classic in sports ad, it's the place that is different.

This was shot in the marketplace in Accra, for real, and I do recognize so many areas in it so I'll go ahead and confirm that this isn't just PR fluff. I have so many photos of that market from when my family lived there, it all feels eerily familiar.

As the kid miraculously avoids destroying the market, a dog grabs his football and runs off. When he catches up with the dog he also finds NFL training grounds for the global recruitment of NFL professional athletes.

And this is how the NFL announces their global expansion.

Detail: I love the man on the balcony wearing a kente cloth outfit.

Client: NFL

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Helene Tay's picture

I thought this commercial was outstanding in all aspects. Soccer ( which they call football) is a big sport in Ghana. I am excited that children will have an option to play another sport. I can envision tag football games in schoolyards all over Ghana.
The ad captured Ghanaian culture quite well. The house where the boy lived was upper class, most Ghanaians don’t live in houses that nice. The dialogue, the market scenes, the clothing, were all authentic. I applaud the NFL for expanding the game worldwide.

Kwame's picture

I'm from Ghana but live in the US now, and this ad made me homesick!

Nortling's picture

This does what it says on the tin, it announces the NFL expansion to US viewers. But it also shows US viewers a beautiful country in a really fun way. I love it.