Mandalay Bay - Suzanna Jones (2005) 0:30 (USA)

Mandalay Bay

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AnonymousCoward's picture

Cute, tasteful, shows that you are not just a one dimensional entity.
Here we see an attractive young lady who has a decent career, is a mother, a wife and yet can go on vacation and have a good time and even turn a few heads of younger men.

Dabitch's picture

On the contrary I think it highlights that she can only be seen as a one dimensional entity in this world - she's eyecandy, sex object, something to lust after. After having three kids (by adoption I presume) and a job teaching future generations her greatest acheivment is still how hot she can look in a bikini. Offensive crap.

claymore's picture

The above two comments are just one of the reasons I love AdLand.

Dabitch's picture

aw, c'mere you sentimental sap! *mwah*