Boost Mobile - How to clean out the office d. Zombie apocalypse - (2013) (Australia)

Mary is the kind of girl you want on your side at the office. She will kick zombie ass to stay alive. See also how to shop for groceries, how how to get gas / petrol with a sick decked out bike, and the general stay living during the zombie apocalypse.

“Boost is a brand that ultimately believes in freedom and non-conformity,’ says Micah Walker, Executive Creative Director at The Monkeys. “And with this campaign, we really wanted to engage the audience with a series of offers that played to that belief, and did so in an unexpected way.”
“This idea of ‘Stay Living’ is obviously a point of view on the world, but rather than hold a mirror up to reflect reality we wanted to wrap it all up in a story that was entertaining and unconventional. Standing against a world of zombies just made sense,” says Walker.
As part of a targeted blogger outreach strategy, the films feature popular bloggers including Kimmi Smiles, a zombie-loving 21 year-old who has almost 168,000 subscribers to her YouTube channel, and Louna Maroun, a vlogger with more than 50,000 followers.

Boost: Stay Living
Boost CEO: Paul O'Neile
General Manager: Business Development - Anthony Torr
Customer Experience Manager: Tina Cleary
Agency: The Monkeys
Chief Creative officer: Justin Drape
Executive Creative Director: Micah Walker
Digital Creative Director: Jay Gelardi
Art Director: Oksana Valentelis
Copywriter: Henry Kember
Head of Broadcast Production: Thea Carone
Broadcast Producer: Jade Wannell
Executive Planning Director: Fabio Buresti
Channel Planner: Mat Rawnsley
Senior Engagement Planner: Rachel Maughan
Social Media Strategist: Matt Abet
Director of Client Services: Dan Beaumont
Content Director: Gini Sinclair
Content Manager: Anthony Campagna
Production Company: Revolver
Director – The Glue Society: Matt Devine
Executive Producer/Managing Director: Michael Ritchie
Producer: Adrian Shapiro
Editing: Dan Lee / Editors
VFX Supervisor: Nicholas Ponzoni, Fin Design
Composers & Sound Design: Nylon
Saffron & Jen Film: Nicky Routledge
Ben Film: Christopher Kelaart
Mary Film: Son Of Kick
PR Agency: Magnum PR
Print Credits:
Photographer: Ingvar Kenne
Photo production: The Pool Collective
Retouching: Outpost
Art Buyer: Meghan Petersen
Designer: John-Scott McClure

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