Corona Lime - Luna Corona Moon Wedge billboard - (2013)

Corona teamed up with some astronomers to create a billboard where the moon will land like a wedge of lime in a bottle of Corona. This perfect alignment will only happen twice, and the next time you can see it is on on Saturday, June 15, between 8:45 and 11:00 p.m., at 15th St. and 9th Ave in New York. BRING BEER! If Corona could, I'm sure they would be handing out cold ones on the street for onlookers 'Corona Moon billboard party', but since that's verboten maybe they'll just supply you with lime and brown bags.

And that I immediately thought of the McDonald's "Sundial" billboard that was done with the help of an engineer back in 2006 is because I've lived in Badland for too long and am a bitter hater or something. They're both awesome billboards. More like that please!


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