Orangina - Statistics / Pigeon - (2013) :50 (USA)

Continuing the tres weird that Fred&Farid Paris started for Orangina back in 2007 with their naughty dancing furries, which they continued with the even weirder blood orange, and then the cheating hard-working furry lady O, and the even stranger Bimbo serial plaquer...
Fred and Farid China are now upping the ante with evil pigeons & statistics. The loud obnoxious rude lady on the phone getting some karmic justice does remind me a tad of the spoiled girl in the ugly part of town for Cheetos in the 2009 super bowl commercials, except she's flanked by some sort of lady furry goat creature instead of Chester. At this point, it seems the furries are only bit-players in the campaign they started.

Client: Orangina
Agency: Fred & Farid, Paris and Shanghai
Creative Directors: Fred & Farid
Copywriters: Fred & Farid, Gian Carlo Lanfranco, Rolando Cordova
Art Directors: Rolando Cordova, Gian Carlo Lanfranco
Brand Supervisors: Hugues Pietrini, Stan de Parcevaux, Florence Burtin
Agency Supervisors: Mehdi Benali, Hélène Camus, Olivia Courbon
TV Producer: Karim Naceur
Post-Producer: Elise Dutartre
Production Company: The Glue Society
Director: Gary Freedman

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