Vespa - Jump - (2008) :30 (Canada)

Ho-kay, those paying attention here know that I drive a Vespa, actually I've had Vespas since I was 17 years old. I'll smile at any Vespa ad that comes along. Especially this one, cuz it’s so true. We love them because they're ten inch wheel unsteady deathtraps. ;P Sexy ones at that. All you really can do is cruise from point A to point B on them and the clever front design keeps your sta-press pants perfectly crisp and the wind away from your knees. Love it.

"Crush opted for the iconic 50’s style animation and surreal setting which fit perfectly with the Walter Mitty imaginary dare devil storyline we were going for. The piece was shot and directed by Crush’s Sean Cochrane. The jump was a digital double, done in CG, and the piece was put together in Inferno at Crush. The biggest challenge was finding the stunt man with the right mix of cool and "Kramer". The team finally settled on Gaspar, who has since become face of Vespa in Canada. For Crush, this project was a great opportunity as it gave us a chance to complete the entire project from shoot to finish in addition to giving the animators a chance to do some digital double work which we had been eager to do." 

Full credits:
Title: Jump
Client: Canadian Scooter Corporation
Brand: Vespa
Client Supervisor: Jennifer Errico, Vespa Canada
Creative Agency: Dentsu Canada, Toronto
Creative Director: Glen Hunt
Art Directors: Deborah Prenger, Carson Ting
Copywriters: Glen Hunt, Matt Williamson
Agency Producer: Amanda Loughran
Account Services: Natalie Vonlanthen-Choi, Sharon Hill
Production Company: Crush Inc, Toronto
Director: Sean Cochrane
Director of Photography: John Lindsay
Executive Producer: Jo-ann Cook
Producer: Stephanie Pennington
Design/Animation/CG: Crush Inc, Toronto
Editorial: Mark Paiva, School Editing, Toronto
Music & Sound Design: Grayson Matthews, Toronto

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He's more Kramer than lover.