Cottonelle - Dry Shampoo / Salon - (2013) :30

"Would you let a car wash attendant wash your car without water? How about letting your stylist wash your hair without water? Then why are you ok with cleaning your bum without water?"

Am I? Oh gosh, I learn way too much from advertising.

'As a follow-up to the successful Cottonelle spots for the “Test Your Cleaning Logic” campaign that ran earlier this year, at the client’s request, the agency re-cut its successful hidden camera online spots to run on broadcast TV.'

Mel Routhier — Group Creative Director
Dave Wasserman — Creative Director
Dan Ware — Associate Creative Director, Copy
Sarah Young — Associate Creative Director, Art
Jen Passaniti — Producer
Production Company: Station Films
Director: Sam Cadman
Editorial: Whitehouse

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