Crest mocks elections

A new advertising campaign for Crest Whitening Expressions "mocks the great political ads of the past few elections." How original. One :30 and three :15s show people supporting the different toothpaste flavors and at the end viewers are directed to Crest's site to vote themselves. After these three air there's a fourth spot:

"Man of the Street" imitates exit poll coverage in which a news reporter interviews people on street about their choice of toothpaste flavor. "I thought voting for president was really important, but this is really something," a man states. Another woman reveals that she's a Lemon Ice supporter, but her husband backs Sweet Berry Punch and "that's why we have separate bathrooms." A Hispanic man proudly states that he's the first person in his family to be able to vote for toothpaste.

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Further ads feature fake news spots with pundits jabbering on about what they think the results will be.

The ads were created by Saatchi & Saatchi/New York and was created by copywriters Larry Cadman and Steven Landsberg and art director Leslie Sweet.

Above is a print ad from the campaign

Sounds kinda crap to me. It's strange to be doing an election spoof in the US during a non-election year. Maybe without all the other ads out there spoofing elections it might stand out a bit more even if it's becoming an overused concept.

Granted I suppose if it's well done, it could be ok. I think after last year's election, and all the spoof ads we saw come out of that, I got rather sick of the concept. But at least it's got to be better than their prior ad campaign with the ever so annoying Emeril Lagasse! ;-)

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