Crispin Porter + Bogusky Mole: A Tale Of Personal Branding

The quick story: guy tries to get a job at Crispin Porter + Bogusky, guy doesn’t get the job, guy invents a fictitious job (”the interactive mole”), resigns from his fictitious job, and gets a linked-in recommendation from Alex Bogusky. If the short story still leaves you feeling hazy on details, you can find a longer version here.

What I find amazing about the whole endeavor is that it is an incredible case study for personal branding. In fact, it’s more like a personal brand gone viral. The story has just enough mysticism and originality to capture the attention of not only the agency in question, but to get countless mentions on ad sites, blogs, and twitter. Good narrative made the story sticky, and good leverage of social media made the story gain an audience. And for me this is the big takeaway – resumes and cover letters can only get you so far, to truly stand out in today’s highly competitive world you need to have a relevant, compelling personal brand story.


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