Daniel Wallace - Inspired young man is an inspiration.

You may never have heard of Daniel Wallace until you just read that headline. Dan won a place at the SCA in London in January 2011. He worked at hard at school, happy to have found what he loved and wanted to do and he wrote this blog post, not long before he found out that he had terminal cancer.

Dan stayed in school. Worked hard. Made his portfolio. Freelanced for his mentors and even for the school itself until recently. Dan even made it into the D&AD book with a response to the D&AD Student Awards.

Late in the afternoon on Tuesday 30th April, Dan smoked his last spliff and closed his eyes for the last time. Some of his old classmates were on their way round to say goodbye. They knew that the end had come. Many more classmates had recorded goodbye messages on the Sunday before Dan passed away, knowing that he had only a few days.
The funeral service will be held in Brighton on Wednesday 8th May at 2 PM.

A bus will be leaving SCA at 6 PM on Wednesday to join in the celebration of Dan's life. If you want information about the funeral or would like to attend as a former SCA student, email Dean Marc Lewis.

Dan liked this Sony Bravia ad. He also liked his skateboard. Former SCA student Olly Wood wanted to give Dan a new skateboard back, so Olly has created a gorgeous new skateboard with the graphic words "bam bam" on it, which will be in SCA all day Tuesday and Wednesday. Please drop by if you would like to write a message on it, and Marc Lewis will take it down to Brighton on Wednesday evening. We can't let Dan go to the skater-places in the sky without his new board, now can we?

Sony Bravia - Ballssrc="adland.tv/ony-bravia-balls-2005-060-uk">Sony Bravia - Balls

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