Puma "Dance Dictionary" (2013) 2:45 (U.K.)

Puma Fragrances teams up with a bunch of freestylers including PacMan, Storyboard and King Charles, to bring you the Dance Dictionary.

I thought you'd be able to write your own sentence and see if they could translate it-- they should do that as a live activation so it's more participatory beyond just clicking and watching.

The words and sentences have already been chosen and some of them extremely obvious. For instance, the word "heart" is translated by a dancer by making a beating heart shape with their hands.

It's about as fulfilling as watching someone else play Pictionary. But I'm sure the teen crowd will love it.

Client: P&G Prestige
Creative Agency: Grey London
Director and Production Company: Daniel Wolfe at Somesuch & Co.

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AH-MAZING dancers though.