Dark Eyed Palestinian Temptress

In the personal ads in the village voice this week a "dark Eyed Palestinian Temptress" says she's ready to settle down "and go home" with a Jewish man who will "get me there." She's not alone, 16 other personal ads were placed with similar messages.

You can if you wish do an interesting search in the village voice classifieds, women seeking men, keyword "jewish" to see ads like this one:

YOU claimed our FALAFEL
olives, oranges, music, houses as yours. ME: the REAL SEMITE fun, sexy, Palestinian gal. I need you to get me home. WANTED: loving Jewish M.

One ad joked: "You Stole The Land, May As Well Take the Women!"

The sudden appearance of these ads - about one-fifth of this week's personals - made the paper investigate.

Several of the advertisers make clear they want to live in Israel - and that is raising some concern in Jewish groups.

"There seems to be something orchestrated here, but orchestrated for what purpose?" said Ken Jacobson, associate director of the Anti-Defamation League.

There were also two Palestinian men seeking Jewish women personals in this week's voice.

It's not the first time classifieds/personals have been used to raise issues, and it's not the first time it has happened to the Village voice. Last July, a voice issue has several Palestinian women-seeking-men ads but they stopped as mysteriously as they began.

Spokeswoman Jessica Bellucci said the newspaper's ad department began looking into the ads a few days ago and was trying to contact all the suspect advertisers. It is "unclear if the ads were part of a campaign".

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