Data Cars taxi in trouble for "rape imagery" on ads

Data Cars London, a taxi service, are in a bit of trouble for their postcard ads. The image on it depicts a woman drenched through and with makeup running down her cheeks, clearly dressed for a party in a strapless gown and with a chiffon scarfs or similar wrapped around her arm, shivering in the rain.

Not everyone thinks the image is so obviously about the English weather. As reported in the Daily Mail, some peoole see the shadows on the models arm as bruises, and are reading a rape into her bad night out.

Katie Russell of Rape Crisis offers up this quote:

"The best case scenario, giving the company the benefit of the doubt, is that they're not aware of the associations that the image on this postcard conjures. The worst case scenario is that they've knowingly used scare-mongering, sexist and victim-blaming imagery and messaging in a cynical marketing ploy.”

Occam's razor says it's a just badly lit shot.

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