Die Antwoord - Babys on fire - (2012) 6:55 - music video

Die Antword rule my world and have done everything right in this video for Baby's on Fire off their album TEN$ION. From the smiley-face shorts & bra to scary stunts where the boys with the motorcycle and BMWs dance around Yolandi within inches of her tiny frame, the look and feel and attitude is all kinds of right.
Plus it depicts that double-standard so well, big brother can get jiggy all he wants but nobody better treat his baby sister to as much as a kiss. When Yolandi finally bricks Ninja in the teeth, the baby sister in me had an evil smile on her face. Ninja directed this together with Terence Neale. The Red Bull bit is a tad tedious, but I'll forgive 'em just for that motorcycle kiss moment, wowza. 


Other tedious bits, dogs name is satan and the car license plate is zef666. Tryhards. *eyeroll*

Directed by NINJA and Terence Neale
Director Of Photography: Alexis Zabe
Edited by Saki Fokken Bergh at Left
Produced by Zef Filmz in association with Egg Films
Post production by Blade (Frazer is a fuckin pervert)
Titles and special touches by Pushbak
Next Level gear supplied by Panavision and Media Film Service

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AnonymousCoward's picture

Like you, I initially thought this was a satirical take. It appeared to be a feminist themed farce/subversion of tropes. “Enter the Ninja” was similar, showing a delusional weebu white dude with a fascination with pedomorphized female characters cheering him on like he's a real hero. But now that "The Question" has been released by rapper Zheani, I think these tropes are an actual fantasy, possibly the only authentic thing in the Zef universe they have here. Ninja literally pitched a show idea to Hollywood that contained these weird incest fantasies, in light of allegations that seem to be at least grounded in some truth regarding his kinks.

Dabitch's picture

Yes, in light of recent allegations these videos look quite different now.

WatKykjy's picture

Who else came to rewatch this video because of Zheani and that leaked email to Sony trying to pitch a show?

"Although NINJA and YO-LANDI’s new rockstar lifestyle seems to be pumping off it’s face from the outside…
Behind the scenes there is mad fucking juicy ass drama popping off 247!!!
For instance, NINJA and YO-LANDI are brother and sister."

Whalla's picture

Another star that succumbed to his own myth?

Robots will take over's picture

I'm beginning to understand why Chappie failed. As a music video this trope is fine, as a story arch in a movie, this chemistry between them sucks.

Coke's picture

Seriously, if you've seen that email Ninja mailed to Sony, you will see that in his pitch for the Zef TV-show, he adds his daughter as a girl born as a result of drunken incestuous intercourse, because he pitches the idea that Yo-Landi is his sister.

"For instance, NINJA and YO-LANDI are brother and sister.
But around 10 years ago NINJA and ¥O-LANDI found out from their strict bible-bashing parents that they were both adopted!!!
Then NINJA and YO-LANDI got super pissed off with their parents….
Drank themselves into a stupor…
Had sex by accident!!!
And Yo-landi got pregnant…
And had a daughter that they named SIXTEEN."

How he thought Sony would buy this shit idea is beyond me. He must have some great drugs.