Dignity Health - The Lonely Snowman (2017) 1:00 (USA)

This came out at the tail end of last year but the message works well into the darkness of winter. Together, we make the holidays brighter. This is another spot backed by science which shows that human relationships keep us from being lonely. In fact, loneliness has some dire consequences. Lacking social connections with our friends and loved ones can disrupt sleep patterns, weaken immune systems, and increase stress hormones levels. So take a cue from this beautiful world of snowmen and make some real connections.

Client: Dignity Health

VP Brand - Mark Viden

Agency: Eleven Inc.

CCO: Mike McKay

Creative Directors: Matt Wakeman/Jack Harding

Copywriter: Shannon Roy

Art Director: Daisy Serafini

Producer: Kerwin Kuniyoshi

Animation: Athena Studios

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