Discovery - Shark Week / Water on the floor - (2012) :30 (USA)

The 25th Anniversary of Shark Week kicks off Sunday, August 12, 2012 at 9PM e/p on Discovery - any closer and you'd be bait.

Discovery - created by mOcean Lara Richardson VP, Creative Jason Turner Sr. Writer/Producer Chris Adams Director of Marketing Marina Anglim SVP Marketing Kyle Russell Marketing Prod Mgr Peter McKeon Creative Director/Director Teresa Antista Executive Producer Zach Lyall Post-Production producer Quico Encinias Animation Supervisor Jez Colin Composer Candace Reid VP Broadcast Accounts Don Anderson Live-Action Producer Kevin Sarnoff Director of Photography Santiago Padilla Colorist Jerry Spievack Visual Effects/Ring of Fire John Myers Visual Effects/Ring of Fire Brian Keith Namanny Lead Puppeteer/Legacy Neil Smith On-Set Water Effects Keivn Aratari EVP Entertainment Marketing

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Brilliant ad, everybody loves shark week!