Doctors of the World - Waiting line - guerilla, Netherlands

Euro RSCG Amsterdam sent out a crew of people from Doctors of the World carrying signs on their backs to tag onto any long line they could find in the city of Amsterdam. On their back the text read: Have to wait long? Waiting on a doctor in Birma or Libaria, that takes really long. Too long. with the giro number and website address of Doctors of the world signing off.

Joost van Praag Sigaar : Creative Director
Laurens Boschman : Creative Director
Dennis Zijsltra : Creative
Joost van Praag Sigaar : Creative
Laurens Boschman : Creative
Ryan Mcmanus : Creative
Account Handling: Eefje Beekmans, Simone Bergman
Client: Aukje Bovend'Eert

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