Dodgers monkey business, hypnotizing you to try their new flavors

Burton's Foods are investing £4.5m in their brand, Jammie Dodgers, and are launching new flavors, toffee dodgers and choccie dodgers. They've not advertised for 4 years, so lets see, how do you sell cookies with fillings? No, don't go the Oreo route. Their instructional tagline of twisting, licking and dunking turned into "Vrid, slicka, doppa" in Swedish, which sounds like something a copywanker would come up as it practically screams sexual innuendo.

The far more sensible UK ad folks stay away from that sort of thing. Instead they have a delusional woman hallucinating hypnotic brightly colored monkeys in the supermarket, who entice her to pick jammie jammie jammie, toffee toffee toffee dodgers for her basket. Which monkey will win?

Ed Maxwell, account director at VCCP figures:

"Dodgers are back. With this campaign we wanted to convey the mischief at the heart of every biscuit and unlock the love which families have for this classic British brand."

That's marketing speak for "It's really funny when you're stoned and/or drunk, or five years old, and that's when you want cookies!" I think they've nailed it.
Here we go again, jammie jammie jammieeeeee.. No, wait, who is that? Choccie!

Bonus track, the short version.

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