Dollar Shave Club "Pay Up" (2014) :30 (USA)

Yes, buying razors from a convenience store is like giving up your shirt and pants. And your watch. And your belt. And who knows what else. Because they are that expensive. Had this been more Monty Python oriented, they would have made a gory "arm and a leg" joke. Instead we get to see the dude stripping down to his skivvies.

Client: Dollar Shave Club Inc.
Founder/CEO: Michael Dubin
VP Marketing: Adam Weber
Executive Creative Director: Alec Brownstein
Sr Manager of Marketing: Raechelle Hoki
Agency: Zebra
Executive Producer: Linda Rafoss
Producer: Maggie Dunn
Production Company: Radical Media
Director: Steve Miller
Executive Producer/Radical Media: Maya Brewster & Gregg Carlessimo
Editorial Co: Cosmo Street
Editor: Tom Scherma
Music Co: Beacon Street
Color: Company 3 & Apache
Conform: Arsenal
Animation: Bent Image Lab

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