Dollar Shave Club "Tranq Dart" (2014) :30 (USA)

Was totally not aware there was a conspiracy among free market businesses who are conspiring to make sure they lose money but not selling you razors, but hey-- any time you can work a blow dart gag into a spot, why not take it?

Client: Dollar Shave Club Inc.
Founder/CEO: Michael Dubin
VP Marketing: Adam Weber
Executive Creative Director: Alec Brownstein
Sr Manager of Marketing: Raechelle Hoki

Agency: Zebra
Executive Producer: Linda Rafoss
Producer: Maggie Dunn

Production Company: Radical Media
Director: Steve Miller
Executive Producer/Radical Media: Maya Brewster & Gregg Carlessimo

Editorial Co: Cosmo Street
Editor: Tom Scherma

Music Co: Beacon Street

Color: Company 3 & Apache
Conform: Arsenal
Animation: Bent Image Lab

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