Forsman and Bodenfors in Sweden has done today what Ogilvy Düsseldorf did ten years ago, a simple "Dove real beauties" like spoof ad, but with "real" men in underwear.
"Real" being, short, tall, skinny, fit, fatter etcetera. Bald, bearded, hairy chested and non.
We get it, people look different. Everybody is perfect. Dressmann has built their entire current campaign around this idea, citing stats saying that 80% of men are unhappy with how they look, that 8-11% of all school boys are testing steroids and that 38% of "all men are willing to give up a year of their lives to get the perfect body". Their current campaign is aimed to battle the "perfect body image" current industry standard promoted by Calvin Klein ads, and similar perfect body media representations. It seems only a matter of time before we see a male version of onslaught. Yeay, equality!