Duke Cannon creates old school posters to prevent coronavirus

All of us in advertising have been putting our hands over out eyes and peeking out to see which brand will be the first to make such an incredibly cringe-worthy ad, piggy-backing off the coronavirus moment. To make fun of those is like shooting fish in a barrel. Even I can't be bothered to snark.

In this time when freelancers are out of work, full-time employees are being furloughed, and the best scenario is just you are being paid but unable to leave your home unless it's to search for toilet paper, a few heroic brands are creating some great and relevant creative.

Duke Cannon, the men's personal grooming brand, is doing just that with these downloadable posters, that are reminding everyone to cover their mouth, wash their hands and keep their distance among other messaging.

The brand has always had an affinity for old school Greatest Generation World War heroes, and these propaganda spoofs are spot on.

Good for them for creating some great PSAs that get the message we've all heard a million times across in such a fun way.

I want to print them up and post them all over town. But I cant. Because all of California is sheltering in place. 

But you can at least go to their site, download them, and please support them by buying some stuff while you are there, like I did.


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