EDEKA Weihnachtsclip - #heimkommen (2015) 1:45 (Germany)

This christmas ad has enjoyed 40 million views on Youtube, beating John Lewis to the title of the most talked about & youtube shared Christmas ad 2015. It opens on a grandfather hearing his answering machine messages, where his daughter explains that she couldn't make it there for christmas but promises they will next year. We then see scenes of the busy and successful children's lives with travel, business, important doctor work going on etcetera, until one day they all receive a card with a cross on it. All dressed in black the grief stricken children meet outside of their father's house and enter - and much to their surprise their father is alive and well. "How else could I get you all together here?" he asks. Massive guilt trip turns into huge christmas party with happy grandchildren and loving siblings, hooray.

Edeka is a German supermarket chain, and like REMA 1000 who showed us this lovely story of brothers reunion at Christmas, they know that food = family = love, hence the tearjerkers. As usual there are people on twitter who are complaining about this (and other) ads, and as usual we could care less when it's not a discussion in a more permanent spot like site comments.

Ad agency: Jung von Matt

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