Edelman’s ‘Gen Z lab’ will employ 100 under-25s appoints Harris Reed as ‘ZEO’

Edelman wants to get "into the Gen Z consumer mindset" so they have created a "Gen Z Lab". Overseen by Edelman's global chief brand officer, Jackie Cooper, the offering will “lend expertise, perspective and counsel clients looking to effectively engage the Gen Z consumer”, and they have appointed gender-fluid fashion designer Harris Reed as "ZEO". Can't wait for the next invention, the EmbryEO. 

Harris Reed will act as the “cultural and creative adviser” Jackie Cooper said, and “We need to understand what moves Gen Z and what loses them. We must have people within this generation to guide us.”

Harris Reed adds: “It has been my dream to make a material difference with big companies in a meaningful way. I’m excited to work with Edelman’s Gen Z team collectively to help Edelman’s clients understand where the opportunities are, while ensuring that they have the agility, creativity, and cultural relevance to deliver impact for real change and understanding.”

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Sport's picture

They hire a cheap new crew of young'uns in every generation, this ain't special.