FedEx - We Apologize (1998) - 0:30 (USA)

Best super bowl ad of all time? Probably.

A very simple joke that stands the test of time, this "we should have sent it with Fedex" message gag stands out as an ad that outsmarted the competition instead of outspending them. Well done.

Client: FedEx

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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caffeinegoddess's picture

I love this ad. It has to be one of my all time favorites.

AnonymousCoward's picture

That is completely brilliant. Particularly the way that they grit their teeth and stick to the theme to the bitter end. No images except the scrolling text, no sound except that low hum, no slogan at the end.

Mets82's picture

It certainly sent a message w/o really saying it. Does anybody, though, really believe that the commerical was supposed to be Garth Brooks and dancing bears? Why even joke about something like that?

tod.brody's picture

I suppose for the same reason one would write hundreds of absurd comments.

TDD's picture


I have the original commercial in my possession. I assure you it has everything the above ad said it did and more. I will sell you the original, if you are interested. The price is very high, and non-negotiable. The tape will be shipped to you as soon as I receive your full payment. Cash only, please.

"Happiness is overrated."

Mets82's picture

Thank you  but I'm not interested. It was a memorable spot, though.

caffeinegoddess's picture

Why is this ad so good? It's arresting. You weren't expecting to see color bars. It's creative--proof that thinking about something "usual" in an "unusual" way can be breakthrough. Plus who needs actors, production crews, and CGI to get a good idea across? And lastly, it's relevant to the product/brand.

LoveSuperBowlCommericals's picture

This is hands down my favorite super bowl commercial. Something this simple for the Super Bowl is hilarious! I think my second favorite is the Nissan with the Darth Vader Kid! Glad I was able to watch it again!

Victor's picture

I agree with your choices. Note, though, that the Darth Vader kid commercial was for Volkswagen, not for Nissan. So, how effective really was that ad?! :)

b-dawg's picture

I love this too. SO AWESOME.