Festival Entries Down 20%, Attendees Fall 40%. Adland airs live 100%.

This year, Cannes Lions isn't what it used to be - AdAge reports that Festival Entries Down 20%, Attendees Fall 40%, and we all know about the cancelled parties. Some of us will be there though, and those of you who are can show those who aren't in Cannes all the crazy that goes one with a click of a button on your cell phone. Not only can you see the latest bambused films on the front page (right now) in a box on the right-hand side, you can also watch the recent broadcast from the link adland.tv/bambuser. When Cannes Lions begins we will also tweet out the funniest/best/most outrageous Live films to our twitter account @adland. A global audience to your shenanigans, go for it! Simply log in and set it at /user/me/bambuser and you're set.

We already told you about the new feature last week: We want you to broadcast LIVE from Cannes Lions, today we bring you the Bambuser full page complete with a bunch of talking heads films so that you get the general idea of what will be happening.

Wrath Of Cannes will be joining us booing loudly all the way from Coney Island New York, and I for one am really looking forward to that.

I will be in Cannes and am keen to meet all you adgrunts - if you see a red mop of hair hollah, but you can also simply DM me @adland or @dabitch or email so we may exchange cell numbers.

Adland® is supported by your donations alone. You can help us out by buying us a Ko-Fi coffee.
Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

aces! A test from DuffyAgency showed up on the Adland Bambuser page. Goodie, you guys are set then. See you in Cannes. :)

Neo's picture

I think you're lying and you DO change your shirt ten times a day.

Dabitch's picture

you watched all of them? I was just filling up the bambuser page man. Your turn now. Go on.

TDD's picture

Dabitch! Those were fabulous! I'm still wiping away my tears of laugher over the cigarette smoking bits! You have a radio personality voice, but definitely not a face for radio. ;-) What's the tattoo on your arm? Tell it slowly, baby, tell it slow. ;-) <-----Credit to, Penn Jillette.

If you ever decide to do a video commentary on ads, or do your own ad show iTunes audio/video podcasts or something, I will absolutely subscribe to them. You look good with 'cans' on your head. ;-)

You'd better be smoking a cigarette while reading this! ;-)

P,S. asifansari, I think the test went well. Are you going into production soon?

Shika's picture

I want to know too, looks like some kind of snake? That was funny, thanks for all the little demos, I'm not going to Cannes but now I know that I'll be watching here. Looks so easy to do I fully expect some young lions to hijack the media to act out their portfolios and become famous. That's what I would do if I wasn't an old fart.

Dabitch's picture

Kind of a snake, or a dragon - it's a rune animal like those found on stones, it holds a verse of my life so far in Dalecarlian runes, surrounding a bit of Perl code from a search engine (specifically a part that replaces old names with new names, so that the verse will never have to be updated.).

and yes, I know that's nerdy as hell.

TDD's picture

Nerdy? Only the Perl code part. ;-) I have this idea to one day photograph people's tattoos, and put the photos and their tattoo stories into a book.

Dabitch's picture

Good idea, do it!