Fiorucci - "Angels" - Milano, NYC, and Los Angeles - print 1978

When I was a little kid in school, there was a hit new (old) trend of swapping bookmarks with your friends. At some point, the most coveted bookmarks would be the double angels, one blond, one brunette, with pink wings and glorias that had stars.

These two were even more coveted than the thinking cherub on a blue or pink cloud that we somehow had universally agreed upon was the best angel, before the two.

Little did we know that we all had somehow tapped into an angel trend from old bookmarks that also led to Italian trendy fashion brand, and their flagship L.A. store that advertised itself with this poster in 1978. How else would you announce the Fiorucci Angels store?

Fiorucci Angels - Milano, NYC, and Los Angeles

The bookmarks that little girls traded did not wear sunglasses.

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