Ford Evil Twin SportKa is too evil

Ford Sports Ka The Evil twin - is a little too evil in one of the commercials apparantly. In the ad a pigeon swoops down to the bonnet of the car, but the evil car defends itself and whacks the bird away.

People who fancy pigeons are condeming the advert (suprise!). Brian Tattersall, president of the Royal Pigeon Racing Association, calls the ad "incredibly bad taste" and he has called for the advert to be banned.

Even the RSPCA has joined in the battle to bad the advert, claiming that the use of shock tactics to cause offence and gain publicity is just "very, very bad taste."

"The car is most certainly not designed to hurt animals." said a spokeswoman for Ford to Ananova

(psssst! To view the ad at the The Evil twin site, just click on "highlights" - more ads will appear there soon)

Update Friday, April 02, 2004: the ford Cat is here Ford Sportka – Cat (0:30) (2004) (UK)

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