Foundation to Combat Antisemitism - Stand Up to Jewish hate "Silence" (2024) :30 (USA)

The Foundation to Combat Antisemitism (FCAS) is set to air its first-ever Super Bowl commercial this year. The primary objective of the advertisement is to raise awareness about the alarming rise in antisemitic incidents. The 30-second spot will feature the #StandUpToJewishHate campaign, which was launched in March last year. The FCAS was established in 2019 by Robert K. Kraft, the CEO of the Kraft Group and owner of the New England Patriots football team. The ad features Dr. Clarence B. Jones, a draft speechwriter who assisted Martin Luther King Jr. in crafting his famous “I have a dream” speech. In the commercial, he talks about hate and reminds people that all hate thrives on one thing. The ad encourages people to speak out and refuse to be bystanders.

Ad agency: Quantasy

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