FOX Sports - Bomb Squad / Gus Johnson (2012) :30 (USA)

OH MY GOD THEY KILLED KENNY GUS! We'll be standing by now to take the humorless complaint calls, that will get this ad taken off the air in 3..2..

* this ad may or may not be based on the proposition "Gus is tha BOMB"

Title: "Bomb Squad"
Brand: FOX Sports
Product: College Football on Fox

Agency: FOX Sports Marketing
CMO: Eric Markgraf
SVP/Group Creative Director: Robert Gottlieb
VP On-Air: Bill Battin
EP: Jason Dodd
Copywriters: Steven Lewis / Robert Gottlieb
Audio Mix: Mic Brooling

Production Company: Biscuit Filmworks
Director: Mike Maguire
Managing Director: Shawn Lacy
Executive Producer: Colleen O'Donnell
Producer: Laure Stevens
DoP: Matthew Lloyd
Production Designer: Alexis Ross

Editorial Company: Arcade Edit
Producer: Amburr Farls
Editors: Paul Martinez, Greg Scruton
Assistant Editor: Ryan Seegers

Visual Effects: MassMarket
Executive Producer: Lexi Stearn
VFX Producer: Nick Fraser
VFX Supervisor: Andy Jones
Lead Compositor: Lane Jolly
Lead 3D Artist: Andy Jones
Compositor(s): Lane Jolly, Sven Dreesbach & Gavin Camp
Original Score: Elias Arts
CD: David Gold
EP: Ann Haugen

Composer: Christopher Kemp

Telecine Company: Incendio
Colorist: Clark Muller

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