Frida Mom - Postpartum mother ad rejected from the Oscars.

The advertisement you are about to view was rejected by ABC and the Oscars for this year's award show.

It is free from violent, political, or sexual content. It does not touch upon religious or lewd topics and does not showcase any guns or ammunition. Even feminine hygiene and hemorrhoid relief are prohibited subjects. The ad portrays a new mother at home with her baby and her postpartum body, but it was still not approved.

Women don't often talk about the postpartum healing process, so Frida, the brand that makes products to help prepare for postpartum recovery wanted to get this ad on the air, so that men and women wouldn't feel so unprepared.

I think the ad also works as a comment on maternity leave, it's not all about adjusting to the baby, it's very much a time a mother needs to heal.

While I had a blessed delivery and walked home after a few hours of sleep, every delivery and mother is different. I don't recognize that bottle and I don't know what she is doing with it, but I do remember sitting on pillows for weeks and wishing that I had worked out a little more before delivery because lawd, it takes a lot out of you - it's like running a marathon. So Frida wanted to have this conversation in the open, and sadly the ad was rejected. This ad isn't graphic, it's showing a reality that should be taught in health class.

Client: Frida

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