Friday Fun: The top viral videos of 2008.

Let's start Adland Friday off a little lighter than my morning has been, shall we? The top viral videos of 2008 have been edited together by Videogum, Watch out for the Obama RockRolling you've been warned.

Viral in this context does not mean "advertising" but don't be surprised if a lot of viral ads do something they found in this lot next year.

Videogum senior editor Gabe Delahaye writes,

If you were able to make it to the Gummy Awards on Monday night, then you saw our tribute to the best viral videos of the year. Now, this is comprehensive but in no way complete, because that would be exhausting. So there were plenty of great videos out there that didn't make it into this montage. But even without Drunk History or the Zach Galafianakis Absolut Vodka Ads, without Baby Preacher, Lil' Bill O'Reilly, or the kids rapping about the election to T.I.'s "Whatever You Like," and probably a dozen other honorable mentions, I feel confident that you will still find this to be a captivating, thorough, and most of all HEARTBREAKING tribute to this year in internet.

The best part is the super tight band Sonseed singing "Jesus is a friend of mine"

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mpared's picture

this is brilliant thanks hahahahhahahahhha x10000000000 ;0)