The GameKillers, a reality-based hour long special which first aired Feb 6th on MTV, was produced by advertising agency BBH Bartle Bogle Hegarty and production company for AXE Dry. It is a step into the realm of branded entertainment for Unilever's brand and thankfully a step away from the "pit" ad campaign. It was also used as the launching pad for the latest ad campaign which just began airing.
"This project grew organically from the combination of a trend-setting sponsor partner, a talented ad agency and a creative production company who all have a unique understanding of the MTV audience," said John Shea, Executive Vice President, Integrated Marketing/Brand Partnerships, The MTV Music Group. "'The Gamekillers' is another example of how MTV is partnering with clients to create new, innovative solutions that connect with viewers across all of our platforms." The Gamekillers campaign and MTV special were built based on the real insight that every guy knows there are people out there who are working against him as he tries to get the girl. They come in different forms -- some friends, some rivals and some her friends -- but they all have one objective in common -- killing a guy's chance with the ladies. "We believe this initiative will be successful because it is a fresh approach ... part scripted and part reality ... that illustrates guys' real life experiences," said David Rubin, Brand Development Director, AXE. "We knew that MTV was the right partner to kick-off the idea of 'The Gamekillers' -- a real consumer insight -- for the entire campaign."
The show was a step into branded entertainment for Unilever, but did not feature the product. Instead they have taken the characters, look and typography from the show and worked them into the ad campaign.
BBH’s Kevin Roddy said, “The whole show is about making a brand statement without mentioning the brand.”
The advertising campaign will appear on television, national radio, college campuses, military bases and the Web and in national magazines, college newspapers and college bars.
Client: MTV
Very right-on the mark for the brand. A fun idea.
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Permalinkwow. extensive.
ah, the mother hen. quite possibly the most formidable of all.
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