Genea - Sydney IVF is "reborn" as Genea with a real birth in their commercial

Unlike the self-promo "Getting into Mother", this birth filmed is tastefully edited and quite beautiful. If only all birthing sessions were over in one minute, amiright ladies?

The background: Sydney IVF are rebranding to be Genea, so it makes sense they'd be "reborn" in their ad as well. This ad will air on Australian TV after nine pm.

The mother in the ad had three previous uncomplicated births and agreed to be filmed during this one, Zia built a rapport with the father, mother and mid-wife and flew to New Zealand a few days before her due date to be able to witness the birth with camera.

Client: Genea
Ad agency: Rhodes Shapter
Creative Directors: Dale Rhodes
Production: Curious Film
Director: Zia Mandviwalla
Music: Don McGlashan.

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Oh so sweet!