General Mills - Fruit by the Foot - Flavor Kickers - Two Kickin' Flavors (2009) 0:30 (USA)

Mmmm... tastes like feet.

Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi, New York
Chief Creative Officer: Gerry Graf
SVP, Creative Director: Ralph Watson
SVP, Creative Director: Dan Kelleher
Art Director: Matt Sorrell
Copywriter: Jessica Coulter
VP, Executive Producer: Jerry Levenson

Production Company: Skunk @ OPC
Director: Brian Lee Hughes
Partner, Executive Producer: Matt Factor (Skunk)
Executive Producer: Shelly Townsend (Skunk)
Executive Producer: Harland Weiss (OPC)
Producer: Mark Hesselink
DP: Tico Poulakakis

Editor: Tom Scherma @ CosmoStreet
Colorist: Tom Poole @ Company 3
Audio Engineering: Sound Lounge
Engineer: Tom Jucarone

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ex-squize moi? (Hilariously weeeeeeeird.)