Gillette "Raheem Sterling: Made of What Matters" (2020) 1:10 (UK)

Gillette UK wants you to contemplate what matters. They have enlisted  Raheem Sterling to help.

Note that they don't want to give you a compelling reason to buy their razors over any other razors. In this spot the razors are secondary if even that.

What's even weirder is that Gillette has included a manifesto on its YouTube link  which is different from the voice over. By the way, the comments are disabled which is never a good sign..

Here is the manifesto:

Today, more than ever, people need inspiration from others. People they can aspire to be. Who come from the same places they do; people who have been through the same tough times, similar challenges; people who have held true to their values through successes and failures alike. We’re talking about role models. And we’ve always believed role models as good as any can be found in sport.

So far I'm not seeing any relevant reason to buy this brand of razor over any other brand of razor. What does a role model have to do with a razor?

We’ve seen time and time again how football has come to be a vehicle through which people better themselves and those around them. Made of What Matters celebrates those in the game – and beyond - who embody the positive values and behaviours that reflect all that’s great about the code of play that exists in football. As we all strive for a more inclusive, authentic and respectful society; it champions those who inspire the next generation to be the best they can be – both on and off the pitch.

Still not seeing a compelling reason to choose this razor. Are you sure you're not making an ad for football?

Such people are defined by their actions as much as their words. And so too, are we. That’s why we’re partnering with Football Beyond Borders (FBB) to provide young people with the inspiration, opportunity and support to help them fulfil their potential. FBB share our desire to inspire the next generation and to change the lives of young people through their love for football. The number of permanent exclusions from schools in the UK has reached its highest point in nearly a decade and a huge majority of those young people are boys.

Way to bury the lede. Did it ever occur to you to, I don't know, make a spot revolving around this point? You realize no one reads social media copy, yeah?

FBB helps young people from disadvantaged backgrounds who are passionate about football but disengaged at school in order to help them finish school with the skills and grades to make a successful transition into adulthood. Through this partnership, we will be increasing the number of young people benefiting from FBB programmes with a range of initiatives helping more young people become the best versions of themselves and supporting new mentors to serve as role models.

Cool. Again, this would have been RELEVANT INFORMATION IN AN AD. No seriously, your ad was so misguided that you had to turn the comments off because of the great misunderstanding Did it ever dawn on you that advertising is meant to convey a singular message that is easy to understand? As a consumer, I want to get it from the spot. I am not going to read your PR release. Neither will the regular punters. This is a major fail.

For over 115 years, Gillette has helped men to be their best. We have a responsibility to use our voice to drive change that matters and a positive vision that helps men of all ages to achieve their personal best. Together we will show the next generation what it means to be made of what matters.

No. Sorry. You have a responsibility to keep my face clean-shaven. That's where our contract ends. I know you discovered Wokeness a couple years ago but it isn't working. If you have to prevent people from commenting on your ads, then it means you are cowards. Please go back to the drawing board.

The YouTube Novel ends by saying "For every view of the Made of What Matters film in February, Gillette will donate additional funding to Football Beyond Borders up to £120,000. Join us by watching the video today to donate."

Again. This nugget should have driven the creative. If they are putting their money where their mouths are, the creative should have laddered up to it, instead of jumping on an influencer bandwagon in hopes everyone would understand it., This work is as bad as shaving with a three-day old razor. It kind of works but it's mostly a missed opportunity

Client: Gillette

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They’re not cowards . They took their money to help fight against racism and abuse. They don’t care if you like the advert or not . The advert is a message to stop a big problem in the world. A problem that shouldn’t exist . They’re sending the people a message and using a role model who has to go through abuse as a role model to everyone that the viewer is not alone and there is always someone to turn to.