We find the collection of women+product ads at "Sälj grej med tjej" hilarious and sad (sell stuff with babe), even if fake ads like the 2006 meme Breyers "lickable" spoof ad has snuck in there.
Edward Boches is on a roll asking "Where are the women?" at the events and award shows. He asked Farrah why she thought the women were few and far between, and in her many points listed there's this important one:
Many conferences require some amount of travel; not all conferences reimburse or pay their speakers.
I've been asked to speak and judge more times than I can count, if the travel isn't paid up front, I am simply not doing it. (It doesn't help that I'm an Atlantic flight away from most that ask either....) Edward ends his post with:
Why do I care? Lots of reasons. I think the future of this industry depends on its diversity. As an event organizer myself I’ve been guilty of a 25 percent ratio. (That was our last BDW workshop ratio, though women did turn us down due to family/kids/travel challenges.) And I have a daughter.
... which leads me straight to sharing this gem of a PDF. Like Daughter, Like Father: How Women’s Wages Change When CEOs Have Daughters.
In our research design, we used Denmark’s Integrated Database for Labor Market Research to construct a matched employer–employee dataset that (i) contains wage and demographic information for the entire workforce employed in Denmark’s private sector in 1995-2006, (ii) identifies each employee’s employer and CEO, and (iii) contains information on each CEO’s family structure, including the gender and age of a CEO’s children. In our empirical specifications, we used CEO–employee fixed effects to account for unobservable firm, CEO, and employee heterogeneity, the last of which has been identified as a key determinant of wages and the gender wage gap (Abowd, Kramarz, and Margolis 1999; Blau and Kahn 2000). We also employed fixed effects for the total number of children a CEO has. Finally, we note that gender-related abortion is extremely rare in Denmark. As a consequence, we have a quasi-experimental setting in which the gender of a child is effectively exogenous even though the decision to have a child is in principle endogenous.
I think travel is one aspect. However, I'm always being told that women dominate PR (and PR likes to think of itself as Social Media marketing these days) ... and yet almost none of the PR blogs I read are written by female authors. Where are the female marketing and communication bloggers?
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PermalinkHmmm. Not so sure the women who dominate PR all have their own blogs about it, but my contact list to PR people is very female dominated (representing creative agencies/people, photographers and production/ directors). It gets totally 50-50 mixed on the client side, and then more male-heavy when repping technical companies.
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PermalinkThis raises an important point, something I tapped into on Brand Republic: http://bit.ly/hg7ip3.
The ad industry is still run by 'the boys'. Sure, it's changing, but slowly. Sigh. Sex(-ism) sells, we all know that. But this shouldn't prevent talented women - creatives, strategists, PR mavens, account wranglers, digital divas - from getting amongst it and having an equally significant, respected voice.
Most agencies are still men-heavy. But then, so are most industries.
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PermalinkIf the reason women aren't speakers at events is due to the cost of taking a day off, and paying for the travel, who pays for the men?
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