GMC - Dude Perfect "Airplane dunk" - (2010)

What do Dude Perfect the love children of "jackass" and the Harlem Globetrotters do on the weekend? Drive pickup trucks and figure out the most redonkulous ways to dunk a basketball. Of course.

The short videos document Dude Perfect, a group of Texas A&M students, who pull off incredibly challenging basketball shots with the help of the all-new 2011 GMC Sierra Denali Heavy Duty pickup. While the Dude Perfect guys sink their near-impossible shots, the audience wonders how they did it. All shots are real, created in camera, without special effects. Dude Perfect first drew the attention GMC’s attention after their B-ball antics became a YouTube sensation. The videos will play on YouTube and be broadcast during the NBA Finals, starting June 3rd. Fans can also visit to see Dude Perfect score from a skyscraper, a massive pendulum, through a moving train, atop a high-rise building through 10 hoops, and most notably, from a flying airplane. Fans will also have a chance to enter to win a 2011 GMC Sierra Denali Heavy-Duty. Action Figure and director Mark Miks captured the outlandish hooping throughout the Austin area over the course of a three-day shoot; all locations lay within a one-hour, traffic-free radius of Action Figure’s headquarters. Notes Action Figure EP Roka Music, “Austin has incredible natural resources and environmental outlets that lent perfect backdrops for Dude Perfect’s antics. One day, we covered an airfield and the train station, a rock quarry the next; downtown Austin was the site for our third day of shooting. All within 12-hour shoot days, a refreshing change from LA and NY.”

Airdate: online June 4, 2010; “Airplane” :30 airs June 8
Production Company: Action Figure, Austin, TX
Director: Mark Miks
Exec. Producer: Roka Music
DP: Ben Starkman
Producer: Brandon Tapp
Advertising Agency: Leo Burnett, Detroit, MI
Creative Director: Chad Laughlin
Exec. Creative Director: Peter McHugh
Agency Ex. Producer: Jennie Hochthanner
Account Ex: Matthew Buese & Jacqueline Redmond
Editorial Company: Beast, Detroit, MI
Editor: Chris Chynoweth


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