Going mad for Mad Men, again!

Damn you TextURL, you've now made me follow Don Draper at Twitter. Like I'm not addicted enough to the previously mentioned tumblr blog What would Don Draper Do? As if I didn't spend last night scoring perfect tens on each episodes trivia game at AMCTV.com. I'm pathetic enough to even shriek of shock seeing as Salvator had what looked like a date or even a wife in the first episode - my dreams of being his AD-assistant/fag-hag now crushed. *cries*

For a trip down emory lane, here was my ad-paranoid recap of Mad Men Episode 1 season one.

However, I will admit that I haven't dressed up like the Mad Men posse and hung around my elevator lobby like Red Tettemer did. But that's because I already dress tres cool. ;P

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Hottest Redhead ever Joan Holloway tweets too.

Dabitch's picture

Got to love how the character stay in character - on Twitter which is oh-so-wrong for the era.

From Joan: @dabitch I don't know if I rule the world, but I like to think I keep the girls in the office in line.