Good Morning Bacon - Make It Primo - (2014) :30 (Australia)

Ogilvy Sydney has a nude man frolicking in bacon. Mmm.... bacon. While some might say that the American Beauty idea has been done before, for Doritos, that doesn't really count. When your entire strategy has been "user generated ads" for ten years worth of super bowls, youtube is basically flooded with amateur content with your brand name on it, and none of that is executed this well.

Meanwhile in Sydney Ogilvy knows that to execute a simple homage to an iconic film scene, you have to do it just as well, if not better, than the film scene itself. Ash Bolland at Curious and the crew made slabs of bacon look fantastic, as they rain down on our hero who is lost in his bacon-dream moment. Ogilvy are targeting all Australians who triggered by the scent of tasty bacon get "lost in their bacon moment…whatever that moment may freakishly be."

ad agency: Ogilvy Sydney
Chief Creative Officer: Steve Back
Creative Group Head: Shaun Branagan
Senior Art Director: Wellison D’Assuncao
Senior Copywriter: Scott Mortimer
General Manager: Nathan Quailey
Senior Account Director: Isabel Cox
Account Manager: Gemma Troup
Senior Planner: Ryan O’Connell
Channel Planning: Clare Robinson
Agency TV Producer: Gabe Hammond
Director; Ash Bolland, Curious
Producer; Tara Riddell
DOP; Lachlan Milne
Editor (The Editors); Bernard Garry
Post house; ALT.vfx
Media at Neo: Lauren Etcell, Tricia Tan, Joylene Mak
Ogilvy Action: Marcus Millgate, Kate Warren-Smith, Sandy Field

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