Grafill - Visueltkonkurransen Visual award in Norway stunning

Grafill award has just had a great year, the lines between illustration and design have blurred, the bar been raised and the only problem really is that you still can't view the winners work on their site. Read more to see some here instead.

Einar Hatlo and Henning Arnesen won for package design with this gorgeous bottle that blures the lines between typography and illustration. I love it, I adore it, I want to marry it and have its little bottle babies. Really well done visual pun! I predict seksti has a future as trendy vodka in hip bars around the planet, with that pretty face it'll go far.

Kristin Roskifte won gold the category illustration for fiction with the book "Alt vi ikke vet" - the cityscape spells out the title of the book.

There's always more eye candy at Grafill, keep an eye on the visual virtuosos of Norway.

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Neo's picture

That is a very niiiice bottle indeed. With a name like seksti, it'll go far. It's like sex in russian to anglo-ears.