The green party (Miljöpartiet de gröna) advertises for equality, using money as visual.

Miljöpartiet de gröna in Sweden ran a full page ad in Dagens Nyheter (morning newspaper) today highlighting the fact that money with females on it, is worth less than money with males on it - and with this they want to draw attention to the fact that women still make less money than men.

- "The salary level is a symptom on how women are valued and what position they are in at work and in soceity at large. The systematic salary discrimination of women is an explanation to that the structural inequality exists." says Esabelle Dingizian (Miljöpartiet).
"It is unacceptable with gender-based irrelevant salary differences. With our ad the topic can get more exposure."

Large ad inside folks, click on.

The copy read: "Different gender, different worth"

The only thing is, I've seen it before..."Pay Gap - women are worth exactly half as much as men." Advertising agency "Svensson" created the Swedish ad. In the version below the line talks about being worth half as much as men, showing 'female money' worth half as much as the male bills.

The ads from Demner, Merlicek & Bergmann in Vienna (above) ran in April of this year.

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purplesimon's picture

Ah, but is there an H missing in the Swedish version?

Dabitch's picture

This missing H thing has got to be the meme of 2008.

omerosen's picture

Hi Dabitch, I have an offtopic question. Is there a website that is considered the hemsida of Swedish advertisers?
I am looking for a website where I can learn about the Swedish advertising industry and get familiar with local agencies.

Dabitch's picture

I'm moving this question to the forums down over here where more people may find it.