Hillshire farms - Timer - (2012) :30 (USA)

Time has always been important in Hillshire farm's branding, but instead of showing how they help save you time (which you could dance fill with sexytime ...err... dance classes with your loved one), they show how they spend the time. They will wait. Wait for the turkey to settle. Bake in its own juices. Take care of the time consuming cooking for you, to get it all just right in that old-school home cooked way. Hillshire Farm brand is going back to its farmhouse roots with this commercial created by Young & Rubicam New York.

“The Hillshire Farm brand has been built on the trust and loyalty of generations of consumers who know that they can count on the Hillshire Farm brand to deliver great tasting, high quality lunchmeats. With this ad, we are shining a spotlight on the attention to detail and the focus on the craftsmanship that has served our brand for over 75 years,” said Reggie Moore, vice president, marketing, Hillshire Farm Brand. Added Moore, “This ad marks the first effort from our great partners at Y&R New York. Y&R New York’s efforts, coupled with our best-in-class inter-agency team, will be critical as we begin an exciting new phase in the evolution of the Hillshire Farm brand marketing strategy.” James Caporimo, Executive Creative Director at Y&R New York said, “Brands that have an authentic story to tell resonate with consumers and are the ones that succeed today, and the Hillshire Farm brand has a great story to tell.”

Hillshire farms - Timer Ad agency: Young and Rubicam - New York

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