H&M nicks photographers image for T-shirts: Is sued by Estevan Oriol

Estevan Oriol famed for making Rock Bands, LA and in particular Mexican-Americans in LA look glamourous and badass since 1991 has just sued Swedish retailer H&M and fashion house Brandy Melville for ripping off his image known as "L.A. Fingers".

"If you put my photograph side-by-side with their re-creation of my image, anyone would tell you they are one in the same. They clearly copied my image" ~ Estevan Oriol

The suit has been filed by Bradley and Daniel Yourist of the Yourist Law Corporation, they hope this case will "serve as a wakeup call to other retailers that routinely infringe upon, profit from, and trample on artists' protected intellectual property." and to that I say, don't hold your breath. Remember when designer Tori LaConsay was ripped off, and Urban Outfitters have sortof made it a habit.

These days, when plagiarism seems taught in Art Schools and designers mock things up with images found on a simple web search "copyright" seems a forgotten concept, less understood than quantum theory.

Source: Ballerstatus.com

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