How about a new penis? The "boobs on the bus" group demand male genitalia on buses.

A group that calls themselves "Brysterne på Bussen" (The boobs on the bus) are a tad annoyed at the constant iamges of nude women in the public ad-space in Denmark, most recently in a campaign for a plastic surgeon.

»We wonder where all the naked men are. Why is it always naked women that we see in the public space. Today anything can be improved [with plastic surgery], and it is a shame that men can't also see how they can optimize their bodies. That they never see nor get the chance to compare their genitals to other mens.« says spokesperson Irene Manteufel a journalist and part of the group "The boobs on the bus" to

To show what a truly equal society should do, they have taken the current plastic surgeon ad now running in Denmark which shows a pair of naked breasts with the line "New Breasts", and photoshopped it for a male version instead. It reads: "New penis" and depicts a full frontal nude man showing off his stuff.

»We must remember that men make more money than women and are thus a wealthy consumer group. Perhaps men should consider that those extra ten inches they dream about for their flat screen TV's could be put to better use elsewhere.«.

Politiken's journalist Ditte Giese sent the photoshopped image to "mens researcher" Kenneth Reinicke and had him laughing out loud in response: »Ha-ha-ha. "New Penis" That is fantastic. That would really cause a ruckus. If that bus drove past Rådhuspladsen everything would stop.«.

It might be a funny angle in to a serious debate, but ’Brysterne på Bussen’ are asking for more penises in their visual daily life.
»Men have their genitals to themselves, while womens bodies are public property. But I don't understand what is so terrible about seeing a naked man.«, says Irene Manteufel.

Neither do I. :)

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alex's picture

*squints* Is that before, or after?

Dabitch's picture

Hehehehehe. You're mean.

alex's picture

Oh, hang on - I was looking at the thigh.