Hula Hoops - DJ - (2009) :30 (UK)

This snack break is brough to you by CUT&RUN's Steve Gandolfi and Sam Jones who edited two spots for Mark Denton of Coy! Communications and Publicis London for the launch of Hula Hoops latest TV Campaign.

Hula Hoops - "DJ" / "YMCA"

Project: In A Hole World Of Their Own
Title: DJ / YMCA
Client: Hula Hoops
Helen Warren Piper, marketing director, bagged snacks, United Biscuits UK

Agency: Publicis
Creatives: Gary Turner / Jamie Marshall
Senior TV Producer: Sharon Joyce
Junior TV Producer: Rebecca O'Sullivan

Prod Co: Coy! Communications
Producer: Sara Cummins
Director: Mark Denton

Editorial Company: Cut + Run
Editors: Steve Gandolfi / Sam Jones

Post Production: Rushes

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