Hyundai - Gazelle - (2006) :30 (USA)

Agency: The Richards Group

Creative Directors: Mike Malone/Steve Levit
Writer: Tina Johnson
Art Director: Bob Brihn

Agency Producer: J.R. Dixon
Production Company: HSI
Director: Gerard de Thame
Executive Producer: Maddi Carlton
Production Co. Producer: Fabyan Daw
Director of Photography: Mick Coulter
Editorial Company: The Whitehouse
Editor: John Smith
Visual Effects: The Mill
Managing Director: Alistair Thompson

VFX Supervisor: Hitesh Patel
VFX Producer: Alicia Powers and Melanie Wickham
VFX Executive Creative Director: Angus Kneale

Lead Flame Compositor: Jamie Scott
Flame Support: Gavin Wellsman, Greg Gilpatrick, Jeanette Williford, Anu Anagaraj, Winston Lee, Tara Demarco, Westley Sarokin, Dirk Greene

CG Production: Asher Edwards
Animation Supervisor: Dadi Einarsson
Animation: Brett Purmal,
CG Artists: Rob Kolbeins, Domel Libid, Peter Hamilton, Douglas Luka, Jongjin Choi, Keith Kim
Sound Design: Elias Arts
Colorist: Fergus McCall

Lion: Stacey

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