I am Spartacus - No Pepsi is!

"Spartacus," starring Kirk Douglas will be revived as a commercial during the Oscar award night. The commercial, edited from footage from the original 1960s Spartacus movie depicts a roman soldier searching for the owner of a lunch bag containing a sandwich and a cold Pepsi. The mystery soda in the bag attracts a crowd. No we don't get it either perhpas it will make sense when we see it?

Another Pepsi drink, Sierra Mist launches a new campaign during the Oscars as well.

Special outtakes and behind the scenes footage should be available at the aptly named URL https://www.mist-takes.com/ come Sunday night, but there is nothing but the words "seewhatyoumist" there now.

Pepsi "Spartacus" directed by Pytka is available here in adland's commercial archivesrc="adland.tv/epsi-spartacus-2005-30-usa">Pepsi "Spartacus" directed by Pytka is available here in adland's commercial archive

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Dabitch's picture

Jebus, ok now that I've seen it the Pepsi Spartacus commercial is here in the commercial archive it was pretty obvious. Yep, the lunchbacg belongs to someone named "Spartacus" so the question is, who is Spartacus? Guess which scene they used? Oh yes. Damn.

Dabitch's picture

PS this 1991 Spanish Ministry of Health ad is a MUCH better use of the Spartacus 'scene'. (Not from the film, but.. bah. watch it you'll see what I mean.)