Icelandair - The Making of the Icelandair Christmas / Jol advert (2021)

Icelandair is an airline that has had to survive the hostile North Atlantic and pioneered travel in the region, with roots dating back to 1937. As such, the airline's pilots are experienced in doing their jobs in all kinds of conditions, when many others would stay at home. The company has a range of stories about employees going above and beyond because that's what this island nation does.

This ad is based on one of these stories. On December 17th, 2010, Icelandair's pilots were the only ones who took off from Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, which had canceled all flights due to snowfall. All airport equipment was busy clearing the runway, and none was available to clear paths to dispatch aircraft. The pilots on the Icelandair flight, having been told that the flight would be canceled, decided to take matters into their own hands. They asked for shovels and cleared a path for the plane to take off. To recreate these scenes, the agency and production house had to create snow where there was none. 

Client:  Icelandair

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